STEP 1: Download the eero app for iOS or Android:
Download the free eero app – you can find it on the Apple App Store or Google Play. eero supports both iOS and Android (check here for details on the versions we support and download the app here)
You will not be able to set up your system on a web browser.
STEP 2: Create an eero account or Log In with your Amazon Account
To begin setting up your new eero network, you will need to get Logged In. You can either Log In using your Amazon Account information, or you can make an eero account. You will need to enter your phone number and email address. By default, we’ll send a verification code to your phone number Enter this code on the verification screen of the app to create your account.
STEP 3: Set up your eero Gateway (This may have been already completed by your Technician)
Your Gateway is the primary eero, needed to establish your network. The eero app will guide you through setting up your gateway eero in three easy steps:
- First, unplug your old modem and router from power. If you have other wireless equipment connected to your modem, please unplug it as well.
- Connect your Gateway eero device to your modem using the Ethernet cable that came in the box. You can use either of the Ethernet ports on the back of your eero.
- Plug your Gateway eero device in to an available power outlet, then reconnect your modem to power. Your eero device’s status light will start flashing white. For placement tips, including DO's and DON'Ts, visit here.
STEP 4: Create your eero network
Now that you’ve got your modem and gateway eero plugged in, it’s time to create your eero network.
After tapping Next, the eero app will begin to look for your new eero. You will notice that your gateway eero's LED will begin to flash and then turn solid once found. Once your eero has been detected, you will be prompted to select a location for your eero (this is how you will identify each eero on your network).
- If prompted, you may need to enter your eero’s serial number, which is located on a sticker attached to the bottom of your eero. Just look for a barcode with the letters SN on it – it’s small, but it’s there.
Once you've selected a location for your eero, you will enter your network name (SSID) and network password. This is how devices will join your network.
- If you’re replacing an existing router, an easy option for choosing a network name (SSID) and password is to simply reuse your current SSID and password. This way, you won’t have to reconnect devices that were previously on the network.
- Keep in mind that running two networks with the same SSID can be problematic.
Tap Next and your eero network will complete setup!
STEP 5: Add eeros to your network
Once you’ve set up your gateway eero, your new network has been created and you can begin adding additional eeros to extend your network. You can add any eero device to your existing network.
When adding eeros to your network, please keep in mind the following placement tips:
- Place your eero device centrally. If you have a dead spot, try to place your new eero device between the dead spot and another eero device to ensure a strong connection
- Make sure it is Out in the open: eeros communicate best when they’re not closed in – try not to place your eero(s) inside a media console or cabinet, behind or underneath any large furniture.
- Place it Away from large electronics: Avoid placing your eero device in front, on top, or under any electronics or appliances as metal objects can block wifi signals.
eeros can be added wirelessly or by Ethernet backhaul, while eero Beacons (only available in the US) can only be added wirelessly. If you need help with placement, we’ve got lots of tips here. It’s a great idea to familiarize yourself with these tips before getting started so that you can optimize placement throughout your home from the get-go.
STEP 6: Connect devices to your eero network
One final (and important) step is to remember to connect all of your devices to your new eero network. To do this, simply find your eero network on your device, enter the network password that you’ve created, and get connected. If you’re using the same network name (SSID) and password as your previous router, your devices should automatically reconnect. However, you may need to toggle WiFi on these devices or power cycle for them to recognize the new eero network.
If you experience any trouble connecting specific devices to your new eero network, try disconnecting and reconnecting WiFi on the device. If that doesn’t work, try rebooting the device and then reconnecting to the network once it powers back on.